Monday 1 December 2014

Stopping by woods

There's a little scrap of woods a stone's throw from my house. Scruffy, with pockets of litter - hemmed in by the backs of people's gardens, a clogged up drainage channel and new build houses, it's a place to walk the dog in the morning. Other people walk their dogs there, too, so it's as well to keep one eye on the ground.

It was a morning like any other. We were both in our own worlds. Me - composing a text message as I trailed along behind the dog, eyes flicking to the path ahead. The dog - tail up, following her nose. 

I could have missed it entirely, but something about the shimmering white light at the end of a path rarely taken by me or the dog stopped me in my tracks. Moth-like, I drew closer and at a certain point I saw them in all their glory: sunbeams - like something a child might draw with pencil and ruler – slanting through the trees. 

I stepped into the nearest beam of light and closed my eyes. I don't know why. Superstition, fancy, an imagined warmth. Nothing happened - no pot of gold, no unicorn galloping out of the trees - but for a fraction of time both seemed almost possible.

Of all the words that might capture this experience - so many now drained of meaning - there is one that my agnostic self hesitates to use; but standing in a sunbeam, right there on my suburban doorstep, the ever present thrum of A14 traffic as backdrop, I felt blessed. 

I rejoined the dog and having completed our short circuit, returned for one more look at at my sunbeams. Already the sun had moved on, only a ghostly trace remaining.


  1. unicorns are always almost possible,
    especially in sunbeams (moonbeams too?)

  2. Beautiful.What makes life infinitely exciting are these unforseen moments which can lift you out of the ordinary and into another possibility. We were just practicing the chair of the lotus in my yoga class last week, and it is all about just that- raising your thoughts and emotions out of the muddy pool where we are rooted, to blossom in the air with beauty and joy.Your sunbeams bring the same and hope. Liz
